Journal Articles
Wang W, Zhang Q, Sun X, Chen D, Insam H, Koide RT, Zhang S. 2020. Effects of mixed-species litter on bacterial and fungal lignocellulose degradation functions during litter decomposition.
Jilling A, Yannarell A, Mortensen DA, Williams A, Koide RT, Snapp S, Jordan N, Davis A, Spokas K, Grandy S, et al. 2020. Rapid and distinct responses of particulate and mineral-associated organic nitrogen to conservation tillage and cover crops. Geoderma. 359:114001.
Yin N, Koide RT. 2019. The role of resource transfer in positive, non-additive litter decomposition
Wang W, Chen D, Sun X, Zhang Q, Koide RT, Insam H, Zhang S. 2019. Impacts of mixed litter on the structure and function of microbial communities in litter decomposition. Applied Soil Ecology. 144:72-82.
Yin N, Koide RT. 2019. Microbial activity, microarthropods and the phenomenon of positive, non-additive decomposition of mixed litter
Ricks KD, Koide RT. 2019. The role of inoculum dispersal and plant species identity in the assembly of leaf endophytic fungal communities
Li M, Davis A, Koide RT, Jordan N, Yannarell A. 2019. Interspecific variation in crop and weed responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community highlights opportunities for weed biocontrol. Applied Soil Ecology. 142:34-42.
Ricks KD, Koide RT. 2019. Biotic filtering of endophytic fungal communities in Bromus tectorum
Awaydul A, Zhu W, Yuan Y, Hu H, Chen X, Koide RT, Cheng L. 2019. Common mycorrhizal networks influence the distribution of mineral nutrients between an invasive plant, Solidago canadensis, and a native plant, Kummerowa striata. Mycorrhiza. 29:29-38.
Zak D, Pellitier P, Argiroff W, Castillo B, James T, Nave L, Averill C, Beidler K, Talbot J, Blesh J, et al. 2019. Exploring the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil organic matter dynamics
Koide RT, Nguyen BT, Skinner RH, Dell CJ, Adler PR, Drohan PJ, Licht M, Matthews MB, Nettles R, Ricks K, et al. 2018. Comparing biochar application methods for switchgrass yield and C sequestration on contrasting marginal lands in Pennsylvania, USA
Atwood LW, Mortensen DA, Koide RT, Smith RG. 2018. Evidence for multi-trophic effects of pesticide seed treatments on nontargeted soil fauna
Koide RT, Fernandez CW. 2018. The continuing relevance of "older" mycorrhiza literature: insights from the work of John Laker Harley (1911 - 1990). Mycorrhiza. doi:10.1007/s00572-018-0854-8
Williams A, Jordan N, Smith R, Hunter M, Kammerer M, Kane D, Koide RT, Davis A. 2018. A regionally-adapted implementation of conservation agriculture delivers rapid improvements to soil properties associated with crop yield stability. Scientific Reports. 8(1):8467. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26896-2
Chen W, Eissenstat DE, Koide RT. 2018. Root diameter predicts hyphal exploration distance of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community
Chen W, Koide RT, Eissenstat D. 2018. Nutrient foraging by mycorrhizas: from species functional traits to ecosystem processes
Koide RT, Watkins J, Ricks K, Aranda E, Nettles RM, Yokum H, Yin N, Clark E. 2017. Site and tree factors determining the distribution of Phellinus tremulae in Populus tremuloides in Utah, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 47:1672–1676.
Zhou J, Yang H, Tang F, Koide RT, Cui M, Liu Y, Sun Q, Insam H, Zhang Q. 2017. Relative roles of competition, environmental selection and spatial process in structuring soil bacterial communities in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Applied Soil Ecology. 117:223-232.
Koide RT, Ricks KD, Davis E. 2017. Climate and dispersal influence structure of leaf endophyte communities of Quercus gambelii in the eastern Great Basin, USA. Fungal Ecology. 30:19-28.
Chen W, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. 2017. Root morphology and mycorrhizal type strongly influence root length production in nutrient hot spots of mixed forests. Journal of Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12800
Zhang Q, Yang J, Koide RT, Li T, Yang H, Chu J. 2017. A meta-analysis of soil microbial biomass levels from established tree plantations over various land uses, climates and plant communities
Williams A, Davis AS, Jilling A, Grandy AS, Koide RT, Mortensen DA, Smith RG, Snapp SS, Yannarell AC, Spokas KA, et al. 2017. Reconciling opposing soil processes in row-crop agroecosystems via soil functional zone management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 236:99-107.
Williams A, Ewing P, Jordan N, Davis A, Grandy A, Smith R, Kane D, Snapp S, Koide RT, Mortensen D, et al. 2016. Enhanced control of soil nitrogen cycling through soil functional zone management. Crops and Soils Magazine. doi:10.2134/cs2016-49-0602
Yang H, Zhang Q, Koide RT, Hoeksema JD, Tang J, Bian X, Hu S, Chen X. 2016. Taxonomic resolution is a determinant of biodiversity effects in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Journal of Ecology. 105:219-228. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12655
Cheng L, Chen W, Adams TS, Wei X, Li L, McCormack ML, Deforest JL, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. 2016. Mycorrhizal fungi and roots with different morphology are complementary in foraging nutrient patches. Ecology.
Williams A, Davis AS, Ewing PM, Grandy AS, Kane DA, Koide RT, Mortensen DA, Smith RG, Snapp SS, Spokas KA, et al. 2016. Precision control of soil nitrogen cycling via soil functional zone management
Li M, Jordan NR, Koide RT, Yannarell AC, Davis AS. 2016. Meta-analysis of crop and weed growth responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: Implications for integrated weed management. Weed Science. 64:642-652.
Chen W, Koide RT, Adams TS, DeForest JL, Chang L, Eissenstat DM. 2016. Root morphology and mycorrhizal symbioses together shape nutrient foraging strategies of temperate trees
Szink I, Davis EL, Ricks KD, Koide RT. 2016. New evidence for broad trophic status of leaf endophytic fungi of Quercus gambelii
Yang H, Xu J, Guo Y, Koide RT, Dai Y, Xu M, Zhang Q. 2016. Predicting plant response to arbuscular mycorrhizae: the role of host functional traits. Fungal Ecology. 20:79-83.
Chaudhary V, Rúa M, Antoninka A, Bever J, Cannon J, Craig A, Duchicela J, Frame A, Gardes M, Gehring C, et al. 2016. MycoDB: A global database of plant response to mycorrhizal fungi
Williams A, Davis AS, Ewing PM, Grandy AS, Kane DA, Koide RT, Mortensen DA, Smith RG, Snapp SS, Spokas KA, et al. 2016. A comparison of soil hydrothermal properties in zonal and unofrm tillage systems across the US Corn Belt
Nettles R, Watkins J, Ricks K, Boyer M, Licht M, Atwood LW, Peoples M, Smith Rg, Mortensen DA, Koide RT. 2016. Influence of pesticide seed treatments on rhizosphere fungal and bacterial communities and leaf fungal endophyte communities in maize and soybean. Applied Soil Ecology. 102:61-69.
Yang H, Koide RT, Zhang Q. 2016. Short-term waterlogging increases arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species richness and shifts community composition. Plant and Soil. doi:10.1007/s11104-016-2850-0
Fernandez CW, Langley JA, Chapman S, Koide RT. 2016. The decomposition of ectomycorrhizal fungal necromass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 93:38-49. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.10.017
Yang H, Feng J, Zhai S, Dai Y, Xu M, Wu J, Shen M, Bian X, Koide RT, Liu J. 2016. Long-term ditch-buried straw return alters soil water potential, temperature, and microbial communiteis ina rice-wheat rotation system
Williams A, Kane DA, Ewing PM, Atwood LW, Jilling A, Li M, Lu Y, Davis AS, Grandy AS, Huerd SC, et al. 2016. Soil functional zone management: a vehicle for enhancing production and soil ecosystem services in row-crop Agroecosystems. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00065
Smith RG, Atwood LW, Morris MB, Mortensen DA, Koide RT. 2016. Evidence for indirect effects of pesticide seed treatments on weed seed banks in maize and soybean. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 216:269-273.
Yang H, Dai Y, Xu X, Koide RT, Wang X, Liu J, Bian X. 2015. Soil nitrogen retention is increased by ditch-buried straw return in a rice-wheat rotation system. European Journal of Agronomy. 69:52-58.
Eissenstat D, Kucharski J, Zadworny M, Adams TS, Koide RT. 2015. Linking root traits to nutrient foraging in arbuscular mycorrhizal trees in a temperate forest.
Liu B, Li H, Zhu B, Koide RT, Eissenstat D, Guo D. 2015. Complementarity of absorptive fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in nutrient foraging strategies across 14 coexisting subtropical tree species. New Phytoloogist. 208:125-136. doi:10.1111/nph.13434
Yang H, Xu M, Koide RT, Liu Q, Dai Y, Liu L, Bian X. 2015. Effects of ditch-buried straw return on water percolation, nitrogen leaching and crop yields in a rice-wheat rotation system. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 96:1141-1149. doi:10.1002/jsfa.7196.
Fernandez C, Koide RT. 2014. Initial melanin and nitrogen concentrations control the decomposition of ectomycorrhizal fungal litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 77:150-157.
Koide RT, Nguyen B, Skinner RH, Dell CJ, Peoples MM, Adler PR, Drohan P. 2014. Biochar amendment of soil improves resilience to climate change. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 7:1084-1091. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12191
Smith RG, Davis AS, Jordan N, Atwood LW, Daly AB, Grandy AS, Hunter MC, Koide RT, Mortensen DA, Ewing P, et al. 2014. Structural equation modeling facilitates transdisciplinary research on agriculture and climate change. Crop Science. 54:475-483.
Dickie I, Koide RT. 2014. Deep thoughts on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist. 201:1083-1085.
Lekberg Y, Koide RT. 2014. Integrating physiological, community and evolutionary perspectives of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Botany. 92:1-11. doi:10.1139/cjb-2013-0182
Nguyen G, Koide RT, Drohan P, Skinner RH, Dell C, Adler P, Nord A. 2014. Turnover of soil carbon pools following addition of switchgrass-derived biochar to four soils
Koide RT, Fernandez CW, Malcolm GM. 2014. Determinig place and process: functional traits of ectomycorrhizal fungi that affet both community structure and ecosystem function. New Phytologist. 201:433-439. doi:10.1111/nph.12538
Zhang Q, Sun Q, Koide RT, Peng Z, Zhou J, Gu X, Gao W, Yu M. 2014. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal mediation of plant-plant interactions in a marshland plant community
Fernandez CW, Koide RT. 2013. The function of melanin in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum under water stress. Fungal Ecology. 6(6):479-486.
Fernandez CW, McCormack ML, Pritchard SG, Koide RT. 2013. On the persistence of Cenococcum geophilum ectomycorrhizas and its implications for forest carbon and nutrient cycles. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 65:141-143. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.05.022
Koide RT, Peoples MS. 2013. Behavior of Bradford-reactive substances is consistent with predictions for glomalin. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:8-14. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.09.015
Koide RT, Peoples MS, Matheson ET. 2013. Variation in soil carbon under contrasting biodiesel feedstock crops. Pedobiologia. 56(2):61-67. doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2012.11.002
Peoples MS, Koide RT. 2012. Considerations in the storage of soil samples for enzyme activity analysis. Applied Soil Ecology. 62:98-102.
Koide RT, Peoples M. 2012. On the nature of temporary yield loss in maize following canola. Plant and Soil. 360:259-269.
Fernandez CW, Koide RT. 2012. The role of chitin in the decomposition of ectomycorrhizal fungal litter. Ecology. 93(1):24-28.
Koide RT, Fernandez C, Petprakob K. 2011. General principles in the community ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Annals of Forest Science. 68:45-55.
Koide RT, Fernandez CW, Peoples MS. 2011. Can ectomycorrhizal colonization of Pinus resinosa roots affect their decomposition?. New Phytologist. 191:508-514.
Koide RT, Petprakob K, Peoples M. 2011. Quantitative analysis of biochar in field soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 43:1563-1568.
Hoeksema JD, Chaudhary VB, Gehring CA, Johnson NC, Karst J, Koide RT, Pringle A, Zabinski C, Bever JD, Moore JC, et al. 2010. A meta-analysis of context-dependency in plant response to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi. Ecology Letters. 13:394-407.
Sharda JN, Koide RT. 2010. Exploring the role of root anatomy in P-mediated control of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Botany. 88:165-173.
Malcolm GM, López-Gutiérrez JC, Koide RT. 2009. Little evidence for respiratory acclimation by microbial communities to short-term shifts in temperature in red pine (Pinus resinosa) litter. Global Change Biology. 15:2485–2492.
Koide RT, Malcolm GM. 2009. N concentration controls decomposition rates of different strains of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Fungal Ecology. 2:197-202.
Malcolm GM, Lopez-Guttierez JC, Koide RT. 2009. Temperature sensitivity of respiration differs among forest floor layers in a Pinus resinosa plantation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41:1075-1079.
Malcolm GM, López-Gutiérrez JC, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. 2008. Acclimation to temperature and temperature sensitivity of metabolism by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Global Change Biology. 14:1169-1180.
Sharda JN, Koide RT. 2008. Can hypodermal passage cell distribution limit root penetration by mycorrhizal fungi?. New Phytologist. 180:696-701.
Koide RT, Sharda JN, Herr JR, Malcolm GM. 2008. Ectomycorrhizal fungi and the biotrophy-saprotrophy continuum. New Phytologist. 178:230-233.
López-Gutiérrez JC, Malcolm GM, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. 2008. Ectomycorrhizal fungi from Alaska and Pennsylvania: adaptation of mycelial respiratory response to temperature?. New Phytologist. 180:741-744.
Lekberg Y, Koide RT, Twomlow SJ. 2008. Effect of agricultural management practices on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance in low-input cropping systems of southern Africa: A case study from Zimbabwe. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 44:917-923.
Lekberg Y, Koide RT. 2008. Effect of soil moisture and temperature during fallow on survival of contrasting isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Botany. 86:1117-1124.
Koide RT, Shumway DL, Xu B, Sharda JN. 2007. On temporal partitioning of a community of ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist. 147:420-429.
Koide RT, Courty PE, Garbaye J. 2007. Research perspectives on functional diversity in ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist. 174:240-243.
Lekberg Y, Koide RT, Rohr JR, Aldrich-Wolfe L, Morton JB. 2007. Role of niche restrictions and dispersal in the composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Journal of Ecology. 95:95-105.
Johnson NC, Hoeksema JD, Bever JD, Chaudhary VB, Gehring C, Klironomos J, Koide RT, Miller RM, Moore J, Moutoglis P, et al. 2006. From lilliput to brobdingnag: extending models of mycorrhizal function across scales. BioScience. 56:889-900.
Wu T, Kabir Z, Koide RT. 2005. A possible role for saprotrophic microfungi in the N nutrition of ectomycorrhizal Pinus resinosa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37:965-975.
Lekberg Y, Koide RT. 2005. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobia, available soil P and nodulation of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in Zimbabwe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 100:143-148.
Koide RT, Xu B, Sharda J. 2005. Contrasting belowground views of an ectomycorrhizal fungal community. New Phytologist. 166:251-262.
Koide RT, Xu B, Sharda J, Lekberg Y, Ostiguy N. 2005. Evidence of species interactions within an ectomycorrhizal fungal community. New Phytologist. 165:305-316.
Yekberg Y, Koide RT. 2005. Is plant performance limited by abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi? A meta-analysis of studies published between 1988 and 2003. New Phytologist. 168:189-204.
Jonsson LM, Dighton J, Lussenhop J, Koide RT. 2005. The effect of mixing ground leaf litters to soil on the development of pitch pine ectomycorrhizal and soil arthropod communities in natural soil microcosm systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 38:134-144.
Koide RT, Mosse B. 2004. A history of research on arbuscular mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza. 14:145-163.
Koide RT, Wu T. 2003. Ectomycorrhizas and retarded decomposition in a Pinus resinosa plantation. New Phytologist. 158:401-407.
Wu T, Sharda JN, Koide RT. 2003. Exploring interactions between saprotrophic microbes and ectomycorrhizal fungi using a protein-tannin complex as an N source by red pine (Pinus resinosa). New Phytologist. 159:131-139.
Kabir Z, Koide RT. 2002. Effect of autumn and winter mycorrhizal cover crops on soil properties, nutrient uptake and yield of maize in Pennsylvania, USA. Plant and Soil. 238:205-215.
Koide RT, Dickie IA. 2002. Effects of mycorrhizal fungi on plant populations. Plant and Soil. 244:307-317.
Dickie IA, Koide RT, Steiner KC. 2002. Influences of established trees on mycorrhizas, nutrition, and growth of Quercus rubra seedlings. Ecological Monographs. 72:505-521.
Koide RT, Dickie IA. 2002. Kit-based, low-toxicity method for extracting and purifying fungal DNA from ectomycorrhizal roots. BioTechniques. 32:52-56.
Poulton JL, Bryla D, Koide RT, Stephenson AG. 2002. Mycorrhizal infection and high soil phosphorus improve vegetative growth and the female and male functions in tomato. New Phytologist. 154:255-264.
Dickie IA, Xu B, Koide RT. 2002. Vertical niche differentiation of ectomycorrhizal hyphae in soil as shown by T-RFLP analysis. New Phytologist. 156:527-535.
Nakano A, Takahashi K, Koide RT, Kimura M. 2001. Determination of the nitrogen source for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by 15N application to soil and plants. Mycorrhiza. 10:267-273.
Poulton JL, Koide RT, Stephenson AG. 2001. Effects of mycorrhizal infection and soil phosphorus availability on in vitro and in vivo pollen performance in Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae). American J Botany. 151:1786-1793.
Poulton JL, Koide RT, Stephenson AG. 2001. Effects of mycorrhizal infection, soil phosphorus availability and fruit production on the male function in two cultivars of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Plant Cell and Environment. 24:841-849.
Koide RT, Kabir Z. 2001. Nutrient economy of red pine is affected by interactions between Pisolithus tinctorius and other forest floor microbes. New Phytologist. 150:179-188.
Dickie IA, Koide RT, Fayish AC. 2001. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection of Quercus rubra seedlings. New Phytologist. 151:257-264.
Koide RT, Goff MD, Dickie IA. 2000. Component growth efficiencies of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants. New Phytologist. 148:163-168.
Koide RT, Kabir Z. 2000. Extraradical hyphae of the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices can hydrolyze organic phosphate. New Phytologist. 148:511-517.
Koide RT. 2000. Functional complementarity in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist. 147:233-235.
Koide RT, Shumway DL. 2000. On variation in forest floor thickness across four red pine plantations in Pennsylvania, USA. Plant and Soil. 219:57-69.
Koide RT, Shumway DL, Stevens CM. 2000. Soluble carbohydrates of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) mycorrhizas and mycorrhizal fungi. Mycological Research. 104:834-840.
Besmer YL, Koide RT. 1999. Effect of mycorrhizal colonization and phosphorus on ethylene production of snapdragon flowers. Mycorrhiza. 9:161-166.
Koide RT, Dickie IA, Goff MD. 1999. Phosphorus deficiency, plant growth and the phosphorus efficiency index. Functional Ecology. 13:733-736.
Koide RT, Landherr LL, Besmer YL, Detweiler JM, Holcomb EJ. 1999. Strategies for mycorrhizal inoculation of six annual bedding plant species. HortScience. 37:1217-1220.
Kabir Z, Koide RT. 1999. The effect of dandelion or a cover crop on mycorrhiza inoculum potential, soil aggregation and yield of maize. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 78:167-174.
Koide RT, Suomi L, Stevens CM, McCormick L. 1998. Interactions between needles of Pinus resinosa (Ait.) and ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist. 140:539-547.
Addy HD, Boswell EP, Koide RT. 1998. Low temperature acclimation and freezing resistance of extraradical VA mycorrhizal hyphae. Mycological Research. 102:582-586.
Bryla DR, Koide RT. 1998. Mycorrhizal response of two tomato genotypes relates to their ability to acquire and utilize phosphorus. Annals of Botany. 82:849-857.
Heppell KB, Shumway DL, Koide RT. 1998. The effect of mycorrhizal infection of Abutilon theophrasti on competitiveness of offspring. Functional Ecology. 12:171-175.
Dickie IA, Koide RT, Stevens CM. 1998. Tissue density and growth response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to nitrogen source and concentration. Mycorrhiza. 8:145-148.
Boswell EP, Koide RT, Shumway DL, Addy HD. 1998. Winter wheat cover cropping, VA mycorrhizal fungi and maize growth and yield. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 67:55-65.
Lau TC, Lu X, Koide RT, Stephenson AG. 1995. Effects of soil fertility and mycorrhizal infection on pollen production and pollen grain size of Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Plant Cell and Environment. 18:169-177.
Snapp S, Koide RT, Lynch J. 1995. Exploitation of localized phosphorus-patches by common bean roots. Plant and Soil. 177:211-218.
Koide RT, Lu X. 1995. On the cause of offspring superiority conferred by maternal mycorrhizal infection. New Phytologist. 131:435-441.
Shumway DL, Koide RT. 1995. Size and reproductive inequality in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal populations of Abutilon theophrasti. Journal of Ecology. 83:613-620.
Koide RT, Schreiner RP. 1994. Alteration of nyctinastic leaf movement of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. (Malvaceae) by mycorrhizal infection. Functional Ecology. 8:384-388.
Koide RT, Shumway DL, Mabon SA. 1994. Mycorrhizal fungi and reproduction of field populations of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. (Malvaceae). New Phytologist. 126:123-130.
Smith SE, Gianninazzi-Pearson V, Koide RT. 1994. Nutrient transport in mycorrhizas: structure, physiology and consequences for efficiency of the symbiosis. Plant and Soil. 159:103-114.
Shumway DL, Koide RT. 1994. Reproductive responses to mycorrhizal colonization of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. plants grown for two generations in the field. New Phytologist. 128:219-224.
Shumway DL, Koide RT. 1994. Seed preferences of Lumbricus terrestris L. Applied Soil Ecology. 1:11-15.
Lu X, Koide RT. 1994. The effects of mycorrhizal infection on components of plant growth and reproduction. New Phytologist. 128:211-218.
Shumway DL, Koide RT. 1994. Within season variability in mycorrhizal benefit to reproduction in Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Plant Cell and Environment. 17:821-827.
Schreiner RP, Koide RT. 1993. Antifungal compounds from roots of mycotrophic and nonmycotrophic plant species. New Phytologist. 123:99-105.
Schreiner R, Koide RT. 1993. Mustards, mustard oils and mycorrhizas. New Phytologist. 123:107-113.
Sanders I, Koide RT, Shumway DL. 1993. Mycorrhizal stimulation of plant parasitism. Canadian Journal of Botany. 71:1143-1146.
Stanley MR, Koide RT, Shumway DL. 1993. Mycorrhizal symbiosis increases growth, reproduction and recruitment of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. in the field. Oecologia. 94:30-35.
Sanders I, Koide RT. 1993. Nutrient acquisition and community structure in co-occurring mycotrophic and nonmycotrophic old field annuals. Functional Ecology. 8:77-84.
Schreiner RP, Koide RT. 1993. Stimulation of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by mycotrophic and nonmycotrophic plant root systems. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 59:2750-2752.
Schreiner R, Koide RT. 1993. Streptomycin reduces plant response to mycorrhizal infection. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 25:1131-1133.
Koide RT, Lu X. 1992. Mycorrhizal infection of wild oats: maternal effects on offspring growth and reproduction. Oecologia. 90:218-226.
Koide RT, Schreiner RP. 1992. The regulation fo the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology. :557-581.
Lu X, Koide RT. 1991. Avena fatua L. seed and seedling nutrient dynamics as influenced by mycorrhizal infection of the maternal generation. Plant, Cell and Environment. 14:931-939.
Koide RT. 1991. Density-dependent response to mycorrhizal infection in Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Oecologia. 85:389-395.
Koide RT, Li M. 1991. Mycorrhizal fungi and the nutrient ecology of three oldfield annual plant species. Oecologia. 85:403-412.
Haynes B, Koide RT, Elliott G. 1991. Phosphorus uptake and utilization in wild and cultivated oats (Avena spp). Journal of Plant Nutrition. 14:1105-1118.
Koide RT. 1991. Tansley Review: Nutrient supply, nutrient demand and plant response to mycorrhizal infection. New Phytologist. :365-386.
Huenneke LF, Hamburg SP, Koide RT, Mooney HA, Vitousek PM. 1990. Effects of soil resources on plant invasion and community structure in Californian serpentine grassland. Ecology. 71:478-491.
Koide RT, Li M. 1990. On host regulation of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist. 114:59-64.
Lewis J, Koide RT. 1990. Phosphorus supply, mycorrhizal infection and offspring vigor in two annual plant species. Functional Ecology. 4:695-702.
Bryla D, Koide RT. 1990. Regulation of reproduction in wild and cultivated Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection. Oecologia. 84:74-81.
Bryla D, Koide RT. 1990. The role of mycorrhizal infection in the growth and reproduction of wild vs. cultivated plants. II. Eight wild accessions and two cultivars of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Oecologia. 84:82-92.
Koide RT, Li M. 1989. Appropriate controls for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza research. New Phytologist. 111:35-46.
Koide RT, Elliott G. 1989. Cost, benefit and efficiency of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Functional Ecology. 3:252-255.
Koide RT, Huenneke LF, Hamburg S, Mooney HA. 1988. Effects of fungicide, phosphorus and nitrogen applications on annual serpentine grassland communities. Functional Ecology. 2:335-344.
Koide RT, Li M, Lewis J, Irby C. 1988. Role of mycorrhizal infection on growth and reproduction of wild vs. cultivated plants. I. Wild vs. cultivated oats. Oecologia. 77:537-542.
Koide RT, Huenneke LF, Mooney HA. 1987. Gopher mound soil reduces growth and affects ion uptake of two annual grassland species. Oecologia. 72:284-290.
Koide RT, Mooney HA. 1987. Revegetation of serpentine substrates: response to phosphate application. Environmental Management. 11:563-567.
Koide RT, Mooney HA. 1987. Spatial variation in inoculum potential of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi caused by formation of gopher mounds. New Phytologist. 107:173-182.
Koide RT. 1985. The effect of VA mycorrhizal infection and phosphorus status on sunflower hydraulic and stomatal properties. Journal of Experimental Botany. 36:1087-1098.
Koide RT. 1985. The nature and location of variable hydraulic resistance in Helianthus annuus L. (Sunflower). Journal of Experimental Botany. 36:1430-1440.
Koide RT. 1985. The nature of growth depressions in sunflower caused by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection. New Phytologist. 99:449-462.Book Review
Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entry
Koide RT. Community ecology of the mouse gut microbiome. College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PRC. Hangzhou, PRC. 2019 .
Koide RT. Root and mycorrhizal fungal complementarity in plant nutrient acquisition. Department Seminar, Department of Biology, Utah State University. Logan, UT. 2018 .
Koide RT. Mycorrhizas in agriculture. Departmental Seminar, Department of Life Sciences and Agriculture, Obihiro University. Obihiro, Japan. 2018 .
Koide RT. Root and mycorrhizal fungal complementarity in plant nutrient acquisition. Meeting of Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. Kyoto, Japan. 2018 .
Koide RT. Life's lessons from my career in teaching and research. Japanese Conference on Mycorrhiza. Tokyo, Japan. 2018 .
Koide RT. Practical applications of mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture. Tokachi Region Growers Meeting. Memuro, Hokkaido, Japan. 2018 .
Koide RT. Corn in the American Diet. Courtyard at Jamestown Assisted Living. Provo, UT. 2017 .
Koide RT. J.L. Harley: Learning from the past. 9th International Conference on Mycorrhiza. Prague, Czech Republic. 2017 .
Koide RT. Ecological factors determining the structure of microbial communities. Chinese Academy of Forestry Seminar. Beijing, PRC. 2017 .
Koide RT. Ecological factors determining the structure of microbial communities. Sichuan Academy of Forestry seminar. Chengdu, China. 2017 .
Williams A, Davis A, Jilling A, Grandy AS, Koide RT, Smith RG, Spokas KA, Yannarell AC, Jordan NR, Snapp S. Reconciling opposing soil processes in row-crop agroecosystems via soil functional zone management. Tri-Societies (ASA, SSSA, CSSA) annual meeting (2016), Phoenix, AZ. Phoenix, AZ. 2016 .
Smith RG, Mortensen DA, Koide RT, Davis A, Jordan NR. Soil Functional Zone Management: a vehicle for enhancing agroecosystem services. Tri-Societies (ASA, SSSA, CSSA) annual meeting (2016), Phoenix, AZ. Phoenix, AZ. 2016 .
Koide RT. Environmental Controls on the structure of soil and plant-associated fungal communities. 60th Anniversary of the Mycological Society of Japan Annual Meeting. Kyoto, Japan. 2016 .
Koide RT. Structure of soil and plant-associated fungal communities. College of Biological Sciences, Zhejiang University. Hangzhou, China. 2016 .
Koide RT. The ecology of fungal communities. Department of Biology, Utah Valley University Utah Valley University. Orem, UT. 2015 .
Koide RT. Determining place and process: functional traits and fungal communities. Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. 2014 .
Koide RT, Fernandez C. Determining place and process: functional traits of mycorrhizal fungi. Mycological Society of America annual meeting. Michigan State University. 2014 .
Koide RT. Ecological studies of fungal symbioses. Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota. Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota. 2014 .
Koide RT. The Hidden World of Mycorrhizal Fungi. 2013 Turning a New Leaf,Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council. National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. 2013 .
Cheng L, Wei X, Adams T, Li L, Chen W, McCormack ML, DeForest J, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. Are roots and mycorrhizal fungi complementary in nutrient foraging of tree species?. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN. 2013 .
Fernandez C, Koide RT. Towards a mechanistic understanding of ectomycorrhizal litter decomposition dynamics. Annual Meeting, Soil Ecology Society. Rutgers University, Camden, NJ. 2013 .
Haider K, Malcolm G, Koide RT, Karsten H. Effects of cropping system management on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Annual Meeting, Tri-Societies (ASA, SSSA, CSSA). Tampa, FL. 2013 .
Koide RT. Plants and War. Lecture Series, Maryland Horticultural Society. Baltimore, MD. 2013 .
Skinner RH, Nguyen BT, Koide RT, Drohan P, Dell CJ, Adler PR, Nord AN. Agronomic and Environmental Consequences for Switchgrass Grown On Biochar Amended Soils. Tri-Societies (ASA, SSSA, CSSA) annual meeting. Tampa, FL. 2013 .
Fernandez C, Koide RT. Melanin: a functional trait conferring tolerance to water stress in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Portland, OR. 2012 .
Dell C, Koide RT, Skinner H, Adler P, Drohan P, Nguyen B, Nord A. Use of biochar in a switchgrass bioenergy system to ameliorate marginal soil conditions. Annual Meeting, Tri-Societies (ASA, CSSA, SSSA). Cincinnati, OH. 2012 .
Nguyen B, Koide RT, Drohan P, Skinner H, Dell C, Adler P, Nord A. Effects of switchgrass-derived biochar addition on turnover of soil carbon pools. Fourth IBI International Biochar Conference. Beijing, China. 2012 .
Fernandez C, Koide RT. The role of chitin in the decomposition of ectomycorrhizal fungal litter. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Austin, Texas. 2011 .
Koide RT. Rubber and World War. College of Life Sciences, Tottori University. Koyamachō-Minami, Japan. 2011 .
Koide RT. Studies of mycorrhizal symbioses. Department of Biology, BYU. Provo, UT. 2011 .
Koide RT. The Hidden World of Mycorrhizal Fungi. Lecture Series, Maryland Horticultural Society. Baltimore, MD. 2011 .
Koide RT. Community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. College of Life Sciences, Zhejian University. China. 2010 .
Koide RT. An incomplete history of research on arbuscular mycorrhiza. Department of Biology, University of Illinois, Chicago. Chicago, IL. 2010 .
Koide RT. An incomplete history of research on arbuscular mycorrhiza. Department of Microbial Ecology, Lund University. Lund, Sweden. 2010 .
Koide RT. The Hidden World of Mycorrhizal Fungi. Gardenwise Conference, Penn State University. York, PA. 2010 .
Hoeksema JD, Chadhary VB, Johnson NC, Karst J, Koide RT, Pringle A, Zabinski CA, Bever JD, Moore JC, Wilson GW, et al. Context-dependency in plant response to mycorrhizal fungi: A meta-analysis of the mutualism-parasitism continuum. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Albuquerque, NM. 2009 .
Koide RT. General concepts of functional ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. College of Life Sciences, Tottori University. Koyamachō-Minami, Japan. 2009 .
Koide RT. The Hidden World of Mycorrhizal Fungi. Native Plants in the Landscape Conference. Millersville University, PA. 2009 .
Koide RT. Soil Carbon of Sequestration of Contrasting Oilseed Crops. Northeast Renewable Energy Conference. State College, PA. 2009 .
Koide RT. General concepts of functional ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. Workshop on Structure and Function in Ectomycorrhizal Communities, INRA, Nancy, France. Nancy, France. 2009 .
Malcolm GM, López-Gutiérrez JC, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. Respiratory acclimation to temperature by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Milwaukee, WI. 2008 .
Koide RT. Community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 2008 .
Malcolm GM, López-Gutiérrez JC, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. Respiratory acclimation to temperature by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Ecology Lunchtime Series, Cambridge University. Cambridge, UK. 2008 .
Koide RT. Mycorrhizal Fungi: Hidden Friends of Plants. Native Plants in the Landscape Conference. Millersville University, PA. 2008 .
Malcolm GM, López-Gutiérrez JC, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. Adaptation and acclimation to temperature by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Penn State University, Scranton, Biology. Penn State University, Scranton, Biology. 2008 .
Koide RT. USDA – ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit. USDA – ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit. 2008 .
Sharda JN, Koide RT. American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 2007 .
Koide RT. Community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biology. 2007 .
Koide RT. Community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Fordham University, Department of Biology. Fordham University, Department of Biology. 2007 .
Malcolm GM, López-Gutiérrez JC, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. Respiration acclimation and adaptation to temperature by ECM fungi. MEEC (Midwest Ecology & Evolution Conference). Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. 2007 .
Koide RT. Community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. West Virginia University, Department of Biology. West Virginia University, Department of Biology. 2007 .
Koide RT. Structuring of mycorrhizal fungal communities. 8th International Mycological Congress. Cairns, Australia. 2006 .
Malcom GM, Koide RT. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Memphis, TN. 2006 .
Koide RT. Community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Brigham Young University, Department of Microbiology. Brigham Young University, Department of Microbiology. 2006 .
Lekberg Y, Koide RT. Effect of management practices on AMF activity in the semi-arid tropics - comparisons with temperate mesic agroecosystems. International Conference on Mycorrhiza. Granada, Spain. 2006 .
Malcolm GM, Koide RT. Adaptation and acclimation to temperature by ectomycorrhizal fungi. International Conference on Mycorrhiza. Granada, Spain. 2006 .
Falik O, Barto N, Adams T, Koide RT, Eissenstat DM. Acclimation of root respiration to temperature among plants species from broad latitudinal gradients. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Montreal, Canada. 2005 .
Malcom G, Lopez Guitierrez JC, Koide RT, Eissenstat D. Temperature acclimation by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Montreal, Canada. 2005 .
Besmer YL, Koide RT, Rohr J, Aldrich-Wolfe L, Morton J. Fundamental and realized niche differentiation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Gigasporaceae and Glomeraceae. Annual Meeting, Soil Ecology Society meeting. Chicago, IL. 2005 .
Koide RT. Temporal and spatial partitioning of mycorrhizal fungal communities. Joint meeting, Mycological Society of America / Mycological Society of Japan. Hilo, HI. 2005 .
Koide RT. Structuring of mycorrhizal fungal communities. Northern Arizona University, Department of Biology. Northern Arizona University, Department of Biology. 2005 .
Koide RT. Controls of diversity of mycorrhizal fungi. Hofstra University, Department of Biology. Hofstra University, Department of Biology, Hempstead, NY. 2004 .
Koide RT. Recent explorations of the community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, College of Life Sciences and Technology. Shanghai, China. 2004 .
Koide RT. Recent explorations of the community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Zhejiang University, College of Life Sciences. Hangzhou, China. 2004 .
Koide RT. Recent explorations of the community ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Zhong Shan University, College of Life Science. Guangzhou, China. 2004 .
Xu B, Sharda JN, Koide RT. A comparison of ECM fungal communities based on root tips and soil hyphae. International Conference on Mycorrhiza IV. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2003 .
Jonsson L, Dighton J, Lussenhop J, Koide RT. Effect of Ground Leaf Litter from Various Plant Species on Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities on Pinus rigida Seedlings. International Conference on Mycorrhiza IV. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2003 .
Besmer YL, Koide RT, Twomlow SJ. Effect of management practices on AMF activity in the semi-arid tropics – comparisons with temperate mesic agroecosystems. International Conference on Mycorrhiza IV. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2003 .
Wu T, Sharda JN, Koide RT. Interactions between saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi. International Conference on Mycorrhiza IV. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2003 .
Kaneko N, Ito TM, Toyota A, Hashimoto M, Koide RT. Unknown. Soil Ecology Society meeting. Palm Springs, CA. 2003 .
Xu B, Sharda JN, Koide RT. Unknown. Soil Ecology Society meeting. Palm Springs, CA. 2003 .
Besmer YL, Koide RT, Twomlow SJ. Unknown. Soil Ecology Society meeting. Palm Springs, CA. 2003 .
Koide RT. Interactions between saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Université Paul Sabatier, Equipe de MYCOLOGIE VEGETALE. France. 2003 .
Koide RT. Interactions between saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Wageningen University, Department of Soil Quality. Wageningen, Netherlands. 2003 .
Jonsson LM, Dighton J, Koide RT, Lussenhop J. Unknown. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Tucson, AZ. 2002 .
Besmer YK, Koide RT, Meyers RJ. Unknown. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ. 2002 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Graduate Program in Ecology, Penn State University. Graduate Program in Ecology, Penn State University. 2002 .
Koide RT. Interactions between mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi. Nagoya University, Department of Crop Science. Nagoya University, Department of Crop Science. 2002 .
Koide RT. Keynote address: Past progress and future perspective in AM research in Europe. AM Research in Europe - the Dawning of a Millenium, Meeting of COST 8.38. The Dawning of a Millenium, Annual Meeting of COST Action 8.38. Pisa, Italy. 2002 .
Koide RT. Physiological ecology of mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal plants. USDA - Eastern Regional Research Center. Wyndmoor, PA. 2002 .
Koide RT. Ecology of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. Yokohama National University, Department of Soil Ecology. Yokohama, Japan. 2002 .
Jonsson L, Dighton J, Koide RT, Lussenhop J. Unknown. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin. 2001 .
Jonsson L, Dighton J, Koide RT, Lussenhop J. Unknown. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin. 2001 .
Besmer Y, Koide RT. Abundance of rhizobia and vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in semi-arid Zimbabwe and the effect of phosphorus on nodulation. Annual Meeting, Soil Ecology Society. Calloway Gardens, Georgia. 2001 .
Wu T, Koide RT. Interactions between saprotrophic microbes and ectomycorrhizal fungi in the N nutrition of red pine. Annual Meeting, Soil Ecology Society. Calloway Gardens, Georgia. 2001 .
Dickie I, Koide RT. Vertical niche differentiation of ectomycorrhizal hyphae in soil as shown by T-RFLP analysis. Annual Meeting, Soil Ecology Society. Calloway Gardens, Georgia. 2001 .
Dickie I, Koide RT, Steiner K. Unknown. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. 2001 .
Besmer Y, Koide RT. Unknown. International Conference on Mycorrhiza III. Adelaide, Australia. 2001 .
Koide RT, Dickie I. Unknown. International Conference on Mycorrhiza III. Adelaide, Australia. 2001 .
Nakano A, Takahashi K, Koide RT, Kimura M. Unknown. International Conference on Mycorrhiza III. Adelaide, Australia. 2001 .
Koide RT, Wu T. Interactions between saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Meeting, International Society for Root Research. Nagoya, Japan. 2001 .
Koide RT. University of Illinois, Chicago, Department of Biological Sciences. University of Illinois, Chicago, Department of Biological Sciences. 2001 .
Fayish A, Dickie I, Steiner K, Koide RT. VA mycorrhizal fungi of oaks. Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Exhibition. College of Agricultural Sciences, Penn State University. 2000 .
Koide RT. Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter. Edinburgh, Scotland. 1999 .
Koide RT. Ecological considerations of mycorrhizal symbioses. 12th Annual Symposium in Plant Physiology, Phosphorus in Plant Biology. Pennsylvania State University. 1998 .
Koide RT. Practical applications of mycorrhizal fungi. Consortium of Japanese Mycorrhiza Inoculum Producers. Tokyo, Japan. 1998 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. Japanese Conference on Mycorrhiza. Nishinasuno, Tochigi, Japan. 1998 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. Nagoya University, Department of Crop Science. Nagoya, Japan. 1998 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. National Grassland Research Institute, Department of Ecology. Nishinasuno, Tochigi, Japan. 1998 .
Koide RT. Ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Rutgers University, Department of Biology and Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. Rutgers University, Department of Biology and Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. 1998 .
Lekberg Y, Koide RT. Unknown. International Conference on Mycorrhiza. Uppsala, Sweden. 1998 .
Koide RT. Ecophysiology of mycorrhizal roots. 11th Annual Symposium in Plant Physiology, Radical Biology. The Pennsylvania State University. 1997 .
Koide RT. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant fitness. Mycological Society of America annual meeting. University of Montreal. 1997 .
Koide RT. Tree-fungus interactions in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. Phytochemical Society of North America and Phytochemical Society of Europe. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. 1997 .
Koide RT. Ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Ohio State University, Department of Plant Science. Ohio State University, Department of Plant Science. 1996 .
Koide RT. Control of development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Premier Tech Conference on Mycorrhiza. Premier, Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec. 1996 .
Koide RT. Population biology of plants colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University. 1996 .
Koide RT. Population biology of plants colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Department of Integrative Biology, University of California. Berkeley, CA. 1996 .
Koide RT. The effects of mycorrhizal infection on components of plant growth and reproduction. Soil Ecology Society meeting. Colorado State University. 1995 .
Koide RT. Population biology of plants colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. University of Guelph, Department of Botany. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 1995 .
Koide RT. Mycorrhizal fungi and plant reproduction. Lycoming College, Department of Biological Sciences. Lycoming College, Department of Biological Sciences. 1994 .
Koide RT. Mycorrhizal fungi and plant reproduction. Rutgers University, Department of Biology. Rutgers University, Department of Biology. 1994 .
Koide RT. Development of mycorrhizal fungi. Ninth North American Conference on Mycorrhiza, University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 1993 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. University of Adelaide, Department of Botany. Adelaide, South Australia. 1993 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Department of Agriculture. Queensland, Australia. 1993 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Department of Botany. Queensland, Australia. 1993 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. University of Sydney, School of Biology. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 1993 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. University of Western Australia, Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition. Nedlands, Western Australia. 1993 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. Waite Agricultural Research Institute. Glen Osmond, South Australia. 1993 .
Koide RT. Nutrient transport in mycorrhizas: structure, physiology and consequences for efficiency of the symbiosis. International Symposium on Management of Mycorrhizas in Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry. Perth, Western Australia. 1992 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of Biology. Las Vegas, Nevada. 1992 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. Utah State University, Department of Range Science. Logan, UT. 1992 .
Koide RT. Effect of mycorrhizal colonization on plant offspring vigor. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas. 1991 .
Koide RT. Effect of mycorrhizal colonization on plant offspring vigor. Lebanon Valley College, Department of Biology. Annville, PA. 1991 .
Koide RT. Effect of mycorrhizal colonization on plant fitness. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Agronomy (Soils group). The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Agronomy (Soils group). 1991 .
Koide RT. The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Biology. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Biology. 1991 .
Koide RT. Effect of mycorrhizal colonization on plant fitness. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Plant Pathology. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Plant Pathology. 1991 .
Koide RT. Mycorrhizal infection of wild oats: parental effects on offspring nutrient dynamics, growth and reproduction. Third European Symposium on Mycorrhizas. Sheffield, England. 1991 .
Koide RT. The effects of mycorrhizal infection on components of plant growth and reproduction. University of Arizona, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. University of Arizona, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 1991 .
Koide RT. The effects of mycorrhizal infection on components of plant growth and reproduction. USDA Appalachian Soil and Water Conservation Research Laboratory. Beckley, WV. 1991 .
Koide RT. The effects of mycorrhizal infection on components of plant growth and reproduction. USDA ARS, Eastern Regional Research Laboratory. Wyndmoor, PA. 1991 .
Koide RT. Ecological Society of America annual meeting. Snowbird, Utah. 1990 .
Koide RT. Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on plant reproduction. Eighth North American Conference on Mycorrhiza. Jackson Hole, WY. 1990 .
Koide RT. Regulation of the mycorrhizal symbiosis. Eighth North American Conference on Mycorrhiza. Jackson Hole, WY. 1990 .
Koide RT. Ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses. The Pennsylvania State University, Program in Ecology. The Pennsylvania State University. 1990 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal infection on plant growth and reproduction. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. University of Toronto. 1989 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal infection on oldfield annual plant species. Ecological Society of America annual meeting. University of California, Davis. 1988 .
Koide RT. Are VA mycorrhizal fungi plant pathogens?. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Plant Pathology. The Pennsylvania State University. 1988 .
Koide RT. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth and reproduction. University of Georgia, Department of Botany. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 1988 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi on plant water relations. American Society of Plant Physiologists Annual Meeting. University of California, Davis. 1984 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and water relations. Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge, MA. 1984 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and water relations. University of California,Berkeley, Department of Botany. Berkeley, CA. 1984 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and water relations. University of Missouri, St. Louis. Department of Biology. University of Missouri, St. Louis. Department of Biology. 1984 .
Koide RT. Effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and water relations. University of Utah, Department of Biology. University of Utah, Department of Biology. 1984 .