Current Grad Students
Abigail Borgmeier

PhD Biology
Abigail is a doctoral student working with Dr. Byron Adams. Abigail received her bachelor’s degree from College of Saint Benedict in Minnesota, and her MS in plant pathology from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. At BYU, Abigail is studying nematode biodiversity in the Dry Valleys in Antarctica and the Sevilleta Desert in New Mexico. She is interested in how nematodes respond to recent environmental disturbance, and how they’ve evolved in the thousands of years since past disturbances. Outside of looking at tiny worms, Abigail enjoys hiking, running, and reading.
Alyssa Nitz

PhD Biology
Alyssa is originally from West Chester, PA and is a doctoral candidate working with Dr. Sam Payne. She earned her undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University in bioinformatics with a minor in statistics. Alyssa is studying biological applications of and computational improvements in single-cell proteomics. In her spare time, Alyssa enjoys gardening, reading, baking, embroidery, and horseback riding.
Bailey Marlow

PhD Biology
Bailey is from Houston, Texas. Bailey is working with Dr. Blaine Griffen with a focus on marine science. She attended Eckerd College and graduated with a degree in biology and psychology with a minor in marine science. Bailey enjoys sailing and hiking or really anything outdoors!
Brandon Mansfield

PhD Biology
Brandon is a Yakama Native American from Zillah, Washington, and is working with Dr. Liz Bailey. He graduated with a bachelor of science in biology with specialization in medical biology from Heritage University of Toppenish, Washington. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in biological science education. Brandon is interested in a qualitative interview study of Native Americans regarding their decision to go to college and their choice of major. When not studying, Brandon loves spending time with his wife and family. He enjoys participating in cultural dancing, drumming, and singing from his Native American heritage. His favorite hobby is making authentic eagle feathered traditional pow wow bustles.
Brenden Orocu

MS Biology
Brenden is a master's student from Longmont, CO, working with Dr. Mark Belk. He is studying the influence of future climate change scenarios on the population dynamics of June suckers, a long-lived fish endemic to Utah Lake. His areas of interest include population dynamics, reproductive senescence, and evolutionary ecology. He received his undergraduate degree from BYU in Biodiversity and Conservation. Outside of research, he loves spending time with his wife, being outdoors, watching/playing sports, and listening to cool 80s music.
Brianna Greenwood

PhD Biology
Brianna is a doctoral student working with Dr. Perry Ridge. She grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, and received an undergraduate degree in bioinformatics at BYU. Her current research involves developing algorithms for haplotype-based analyses and applying those algorithms to Alzheimer's disease. She enjoys learning, coding, and mentoring other students in the lab and as a teaching assistant for bioinformatics classes. Brianna enjoys spending time with her husband/family, being outside, baking (especially gourmet cheesecakes), and running.
Christian Rich

MS Biology
Christian Rich is a master's student from Salt Lake City, working with Dr. Matt Bailey. His research focuses on predictive biomarkers, big-data visualization, and statistical model development. Christian received his B.A. in East Asian Studies from Harvard and is currently applying to medical school. Outside of his academic pursuits, he enjoys basketball, service work, and spending time outdoors.
Clara Smith

PhD Biology
Clara is originally from Nova Scotia, Canada, and graduated from BYU with a bachelor's in biological sciences education. Following graduation, she completed a master’s in curriculum and instructional design at the University of Toledo. Clara taught 9th-grade Science in Saratoga Springs. Here at BYU, she is a doctoral student working on the 3DRST NSF-funded project. With this project, she is developing an observation protocol for the enactment of 3-dimensional science in the classroom as well as exploring the development of collaboration in teaching practices among rural science teachers. Additional research interests include plant taxonomy and identification. When not studying, Clara enjoys spending time with her three kids, quilting, running, and caring for her plants.
Diego Ardon Betancourt

PhD Biology
Diego is a doctoral student in Dr. Jerry Johnson's lab. Born and raised in Honduras, Central America, Diego did his undergraduate at UNAH and his master's degree at UNICACH in Mexico. Since his master's degree, Diego has been interested in studying the ichthyofauna of Central America and his home country in particular. Currently, his interests lie in studying diet composition and ecology in livebearing fishes in Costa Rica. When not studying, Diego's main hobbies are listening to music, doing fun activities with his wife (like bird-watching), watching movies, reading, and playing football (alright..."soccer").
Hannah Boekweg

PhD Biology
Hannah Kang

PhD Biology
Hannah is a PhD student specializing in plant systematics in Dr. Leigh Johnson's lab. She grew up in Roseville, California, and received a B.S. in Plant Biology from UC Davis. Before starting graduate school, Hannah worked as a consulting botanist and enjoyed botanizing throughout Northern California. Her research focuses on the genus Navarretia, specifically section Navarretia, which is primarily found in California’s unique vernal pool ecosystems. Hannah is passionate about botanical exploration, herbarium curation, and advancing the understanding of species diversity and evolutionary relationships in native flora.
Humberto Giraldez

PhD Biology
Jose Humberto Giraldez Chavez is a PhD student in Biology from Peru. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and is conducting research in Dr. Sam Payne's bioinformatics lab. His research focuses on applying machine learning techniques to proteomic mass spectrometry data. Outside of his studies, Humberto enjoys retro gaming console restoration, playing video games, and cooking.
Isaiah Aduse-poku

PhD Biology
Isaiah Aduse-poku is a doctorate student from Kumasi, Ghana studying under Professor Jamie Jenson. He graduated with a bachelor of science in biology from the University of Education in Winneba. Isaiah is currently researching how identity-protective cognition affects the understanding of controversial science topics in undergraduate classrooms. He investigates how deeply held beliefs shape responses to climate change and influence vaccine attitudes among religious college students.When not in school, Isaiah enjoys soccer, singing and playing musical instruments.
Judicaël Fomekong Lontchi

PhD Biology
Judicaël is a PhD student working in Dr Seth Bybee’s lab. He is from the West Region of Cameroon, precisely from Mbouda. His research project here at BYU aims at developing a global phylogeny of Chlorocyphidae, a group of damselflies commonly known as jewels. Before coming to BYU, he went to the University of Yaoundé 1 (Yaoundé, Cameroon) where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in biology and his Master of Science in zoology. In his free time, he likes playing guitar, singing, and running.
Kenneth Carroll

PhD Biology
Kenneth Carroll is a doctoral student working with Dr. Byron Adams. He joined the Army serving as a medic and was honorably discharged. He then attempted to start a small business and worked on several natural gas pipelines digging holes. Finally, he decided to try college and fell in love with learning about the environment and how we need to preserve it for future generations. He completed his BS and MS degrees at Arizona State University, where he found organic pollutants and possible microplastics within Antarctic Soil. He is excited to further his research at Brigham Young University and identify how microplastics affect soil communities and biogeochemical processes within Antarctic soil. During his free time, you will find him outdoors, reading a book, or practicing yoga.
Kutter Kine

MS Biology
Laura Sutherland

PhD Biology
Laura is from Marietta, Georgi. She did her undergraduate degree at BYU and her master’s degree at Purdue University. He master’s thesis was on landscape ecology, specifically resistance modeling, of the spongy moth invasion across the Northeast United States.
M. Gabriela Jijon Nemalceff

PhD Biology
Gabi is from Quito, Ecuador. She is a doctoral student working with Dr. Seth Bybee and Dr. Paul Frandsen. She received her bachelor of arts in environmental science and her master of science in biology from Clark University (Worcester, MA). Gabi’s research experience includes performing biomonitoring studies, stream habitat assessments, and morpho-taxonomic classification of aquatic macroinvertebrates. For her doctoral degree, Gabi is researching the evolution of silk production in Trichoptera. In her free time, she likes to cook and watch scary movies.
Madison Brown

PhD Biology
Madison is a master’s student working in Dr. Rachel Wood’s lab. She worked with Dr. Wood in the Environmental Analytical Lab during her undergraduate studies at BYU where she earned her bachelor’s in biology. After graduation, Madison spent a couple years working in forensic DNA laboratories before beginning her graduate degree. Madison's research examines the effects of invasive plant removal on microbial gene expression and nitrogen cycling in Utah’s wetlands. Outside of school, she likes spending time with her toddler, rockhounding, and finding new things to do on a graduate student’s budget.
Matthew Cloward

PhD Biology
Matthew is a doctoral student working in Dr. Perry Ridge’s lab. He graduated from BYU with a degree in bioinformatics and a minor in computer science. He is studying genomic variation that affects mRNA translation speed, with the goal to improve our understanding of why genetic disease occurs. When not doing research, he enjoys going on adventures with his wife, singing in the BYU Men’s Chorus, coding for the BYU Minecraft club, and bird watching.
Mei Chen

PhD Biology
Mei-Yu is from Taipei, Taiwan. Mei-Yu is working with Dr. Rachel Wood with a focus on wetland science. She obtained a bachelor’s degree at BYU in environmental science. Outside of school, Mei-Yu enjoys learning about healthy diets and personal well-being.
Michael Kerr

MS Biology
Michael is a master’s student from Albuquerque, New Mexico working under Dr. Steven Leavitt. He completed his bachelor’s degree in biology here at BYU. Michael is specializing in using drone imagery and machine learning to classify vegetation. Outside of school, Michael enjoys learning, languages, reading and legos.
Muhammad Asif

PhD Biology
Muhammad Asif is a doctoral student in Professor Byron Adams’ lab. He is from Lodhran, Pakistan where he has completed his bachelor’s in Biotechnology from the Islamia University of Bahawalpur by exploring the plant-microbe interactions in maize plants. He did his master’s in Biotechnology from NIBGE, Pakistan by investigating the virulence analysis of the bacteria Xanthomonas Oryzae in rice plants. Currently, he is interested in evaluating the impacts of cheatgrass control strategies on soil bacterial communities for ecosystem restoration and sustainable land management. In his free time, he likes cycling, videography, and hiking.
Omolola Imanah

MS Biology
Omolola is a master’s student working in Dr. Clinton Whipple’s lab. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in plant science and biotechnology from her home country, Nigeria. Her research here at BYU is focused on the teosinte branched 1 (tb1) domestication gene of maize. She’s studying the effect of shading (R:FR light treatment) on the maize and teosinte tb1 gene expression. She enjoys road trips and spending time with her family
Parker Ballard

PhD Biology
Parker is a doctoral candidate working with Dr. Jamie Jensen. Parker received his bachelor's degree from the University of Utah. He is currently studying biology education with a focus on the implementation of constructivist-inspired activities in a medical school curriculum. Parker is the anatomy lab manager at Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine and is passionate about teaching anatomy, embryology, and dissection. In his free time, he enjoys trail running, listening to music, sneaker art, and sports videography.
Payton Carter

PhD Biology
Pungki Lupiyaningdyah

PhD Biology
Pungki is a doctoral student from Indonesia working in Dr. Seth Bybee’s lab. She completed her SSi (bachelor of science) degree in biology at Padjadjaran University, Indonesia, and her master of science degree in biology (track: biodiversity in time and space) at Leiden University, The Netherlands. During her MSc, she worked on the comparison of nymphs and adults of dragonflies collected from Vietnam using DNA sequences as her major thesis and studied paleobotany from Cereste, France, using Naturalis Museum specimens as her minor thesis. Pungki’s main interests are in Odonata systematics with a focus on the family of Euphaeidae (Gossamerwings damselflies). Her doctoral research will utilize observations of the habitat in the field, morphological characters, dispersal and biogeography, and large molecular datasets. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, spending time in nature, swimming, watching movies/series, reading mystery novels, and corresponding with family and friends back home.
Rob Seymour

PhD Biology
Ryan Miller

PhD Biology
Ryan is a doctoral student working with Dr. Perry Ridge. Ryan is from the Boise, Idaho area and graduated with a bachelor's degree from BYU and a master's degree from the University of Utah. He is interested in detecting conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and male factor infertility by leveraging DNA methylation biomarkers and third-generation sequencing technologies. Ryan enjoys dirt biking, canyoneering, scuba diving, and riding bikes with his family.
Sainimere Lacanivalu nee Balenacagi

MS Biology Education
Sainimere is a master’s student from Fiji studying under Dr. Liz Bailey. She graduated with a bachelor’s in biology education from BYU-Hawaii and is currently working to design culturally relevant lessons to teach Hawaiian middle schoolers about using robotics to study coral reefs. Sainimere did an internship at Fiji LDS Church College in 2017 and stayed on as a biology and science teacher until December of 2024. When she is not doing research, Sainimere is spending time with family and friends, singing karaoke, playing basketball competitively, and playing volleyball for leisure.
Samuel Lumor

PhD Biology
Samuel Lumor is a doctoral student from Ghana, studying under Dr. Mark Belk. He has a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences and a MPhil in educational innovations and leadership science. Samuel is currently researching the species richness, diversity, distribution, and conservation of freshwater fishes in West Africa, with a particular focus on Ghana. His work examines the ecological impacts of habitat fragmentation caused by dams, using cutting-edge techniques such as environmental DNA and stable isotope analysis to assess trophic niche dynamics, and the conservation challenges facing aquatic ecosystems. When he is not conducting fieldwork, Samuel enjoys going to the gym and playing soccer and volleyball.
Sione 'Atufisiliu Vaioleti

PhD Biology
Sione ‘Atufisiliu Vaioleti is a doctorate student from Tonga studying under Dr. Perry Ridge. Sione got his bachelor degree in exercise science from BYU Hawaii and is currently specializing in studying Alzheimer’s disease with a focus on the Tongan population. When he is not researching, Sione enjoys going to the gym, lifting weights and cardio.
Tahina Alailima

PhD Biology
Tahina is a doctoral student from Wahiawa, Hawaii. She received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Brigham Young University. Currently, Tahina is studying genetics of Alzheimer’s disease in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations under the direction of Dr. Perry Ridge. She finds joy in working in her own communities and providing further resources for indigenous populations. In her free time, she enjoys sports, the beach, and spending time with her friends and family.
Veronica Mosquera

PhD Biology
Veronica is a doctoral student from Lima, Peru, working with Dr. Clinton Whipple. She is studying Gilia and is seeking to uncover its morphological evolution. Her undergraduate major was in sciences-agronomy and her master’s degree was in plant breeding. Veronica has been researching how to enhance native potato varieties for higher content of anthocyanins and has been mapping sweet potato populations. She enjoys learning, traveling, singing, dancing, spending time in nature, and being with her 2 sons.