BYU Student Employment Requirements For Working On Campus Skip to main content

BYU Student Employment Requirements For Working On Campus

By accepting a job to work on campus, you agree to abide by the following requirements:

  • The Church Education System Honor Code and Dress and Grooming Standards
  • Employment-At-Will Status - The employment relationship exists at the will of either party (BYU and employee) and may be terminated at any time with appropriate notice and for any cause whatsoever or no cause, other than for reasons prohibited by law.
  • 20-Hour Work Limit - As a student employee, I am limited to working twenty hours (twenty-eight hours for graduate students) per week during the fall and winter semesters (unless approved with special exception). International students are restricted to a twenty hour per week limit.
  • Hourly or Contract Employee - The Fair Labor Standards Act/University Policy prohibits me from working both an hourly job and a contracted position at the same time.
  • No Unemployment Insurance - Utah’s Unemployment Insurance excludes student employees from unemployment insurance coverage. [Utah Employment Security Act, Section 35-4-22 (j) (6) (F) (i)].
  • *Credit Hour Requirement - To be eligible to work as a student employee:
    • U.S. Citizen requirements:
      • U.S. citizen undergraduate students must carry at least 6 day-continuing credit hours Fall and Winter semesters.
      • U.S. citizen graduate students must carry at least 2 day-continuing credit hours during Fall and Winter semesters.
      • During Spring and Summer, U.S. citizen undergraduate students must be enrolled in either a combined total of 3 credits over the two terms, or a minimum of 6 credits the following Fall semester.
      • U.S. Citizen graduate students must carry either a combined total of 1 credit Spring and Summer, or a minimum of 2 for the following Fall semester.
    • Non-Citizen Requirements:
      • Non-citizen undergraduate students must carry at least 12 day-continuing credit hours Fall and Winter semesters, unless on an approved vacation break through International Student Services.
      • Non-citizen graduate students must carry at least 9 day-continuing credit hours during Fall and Winter semesters, unless on an approved vacation break through International Student Services.
      • During Spring and Summer, non-citizen undergraduate students must be enrolled in either a combined total of 12 credits over the two terms, or be on an approved vacation break and have a minimum of 12 credits the following Fall semester.
      • Non-citizen graduate students must carry either a total of 4.5 credits each term of Spring and Summer, or be on an approved vacation break and have a minimum of 9 credits for the following Fall semester.