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Or Schedule an Appointment
Nicole Cuthbert, Department Academic Advisor: Click Here to make an appointment
Be aware that if you are not a current major in the department, you will not be able to make an appointment online and must call the main office to schedule an appointment. If you'd like to call and make an appointment, please call the main Biology office at 801-422-2582.
AIP meetings should be in person.
Check in at the Biology Main Office (4102 LSB) before the meeting time. Your Advisor will come and get you. Do not come into the advisor's office when someone else is still meeting with her.
Possible Graduation maps for Biology Majors
Ecology/Evolutionary Research Track
Pre-Med Track
Pre-Dental Track
Pre-Vet Track
Pre-PA Track
Pre- Optometry
Professional School Advisement
Life Science Student Services
Pre Professional Advisement Center
Why should I meet with an advisor?
Advisors are here to help students succeed by understanding how to organize yourself so you can achieve your academic goals at BYU. Class/graduation planning, career exploration, academic improvement plans, internships, study abroad programs, scholarship and general help can all be found by meeting with an advisor.
Which advisor should I meet with?
If you are a Biology Department major (Biology, Bioinformatics, Biological Science Education, or Biodiversity & Conservation major), you should meet with Nicole Cuthbert, the academic advisor for those majors. Meet with Nicole first and if you need specialized help from your faculty advisor, she will discuss it with you. If you want to add a double major or minor, please go to the Life Science Advisement website to see how that can be done and the steps that need to happen before approval.
Faculty Advisors can help students understand their majors better and different pathways to take, depending on student interests.
What about professional school?
Professional schools offer degrees and specialized training for a particular career such as Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Physicians Assistant, Pharmacy and Optometry. Many of these programs have specific pre-requisites and admissions tests. Our majors have been designed so that students can easily meet the pre-requisites for these professional schools by a combination of required core courses and electives. In addition the rigorous program of study and cutting edge research opportunities with faculty in our department make our pre-professional students particularly strong candidates for admissions to these competitive programs.