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TJ Bliss

Graduate Assistant
Adams Lab Personnel


I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My advisor is Dr. Thomas O. Powers (also Byron's Ph.D. adivsor a few years ago). I currently study nematode ecology at the population and community levels. I am interested in examining nematode species diversity and richness in potentially unstable sandy soils in northern Nebraska. Specifically, I would like to know how species diversity, richness and distribution fluctuate over time under extreme disturbance. Also, I am interested in investigating the island biogeography of nematodes in the sand patches of south central Utah deserts, both observationally and experimentally.

My future professional goal is to land a sweet job teaching biology to undergraduate students at an excellent liberal arts university and introducing young minds to the wonderful world of nematodes.


Bliss, T J, Dillman, A.R., Rusell, R., Anderson, M. K., Yourick, D., Jett, M., and Adams, B. J. 2007. Nematodes: Model organisms in high school biology. The Science Teacher 74 (7): 34-40.


Bliss, T. 2007. Nematode Biology: 1750 vs. 2008. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. San Diego, California. July 29-August 1. Invited talk.

Bliss, T., Chaston, J. M., Blackburn, D., Bailey, G. C., Smith, A., and Adams, B. J. 2007.Development and description of a novel symbiotic, non-pathogenic mutant of the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (already presented research acceptable/encouraged). Salt Lake City, Utah. February 2. Poster.

Bliss, T. 2006. The exterminators: An inquiry-based high school laboratory using insecticidal nematodes. Annual Convention of the National Association of Biology Teachers. October 11-14. Poster.

Bliss, T., Dillman, A. R., Anderson, M. K., Yourick, D., Jett, M. and Adams, B. J. 2006. Using entomopathogenic nematodes as model organisms in a high school education module. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Kauai, Hawaii. June 16-19. Oral presentation.

Bliss, T., Chaston, J. M., Blackburn, D., Bailey, G. C., Smith, A., and Adams, B. J. 2006. Development and description of a novel symbiotic, non-pathogenic mutant of the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Kauai, Hawaii. June 16-19. Poster. Best Poster Award.

Bailey G.C., Bliss T., Adams, B. J., and Krasomil-Osterfield, K.C. 2006. Osmolarity and the stability of primary phase in Photorhabdus luminescens. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Kauai, Hawaii. June 16-19. Oral presentation.

Bliss, T., Anderson, M. K., Yourick, D., Jett, M., and Adams, B.J. 2006. Improving science education in America: The power of constructive laboratory modules. Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Society of Microbiologists. Provo, Utah. March 18. Oral presentation.

Bliss, T. 2005. Using entomopathogenic nematodes in a laboratory module. Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program Meeting. National Academies of Science, Washington, D.C. August 12. Poster.

Bliss, T. and Adams, B.J. 2004. Relative rates of Antarctic nematodes. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Estes Park, Colorado. July 6-9. Oral Presentation.