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Selected Publications

Rogers, D. S., R. N. Leite, and R. J. Reed. 2011. Molecular phylogenetics of an endangered species: the Tamaulipan woodrat (Neotoma angustapalata). Conservation Genetics.

Rickart, E. A., R. J. Rowe, S. L. Robson, L. F. Alexander, and D. S. Rogers. 2011. Shrews of the Ruby Mountains, northeastern Nevada. The Southwestern Naturalist.

Milazzo, M. L., A. Barragan-Gomez, J. D. Hanson, J. G. Estrada-Franco, E. Arellano, F. González-Cózatl, I. Fernandez-Salas, F. Rameriz-Aguilar, D. S. Rogers, R. D. Bradley, and C. F. Fulhorst. 2010. Antibodies to Tacaribe serocomplex Family Arenaviridae, Genus Arenavirus) in Cricetid rodents from New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 10:629-637. (PDF not available)

Rogers, D. S., and Malinda W. González. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships of spiny pocket mice (genus Heteromys) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data: implications for species boundaries. Journal of Mammalogy 91:914-930. (PDF)

Coyner, B. S., T. E. Lee, Jr., D. S. Rogers, and R. A. Van Den Bussche. 2010. Taxonomic status and species limits of Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) in the southern Great Plains. The Southwestern Naturalist 55:1-10. (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., E. Arellano, F. X. González-Cózatl, D. K. Hardy, J. D. Hanson, and N. Lewis-Rogers. 2009. Molecular phylogenetics of Oligoryzomys fulvescens based on cytochrome b gene sequences, with comments on the evolution of the genus Oligoryzomys. In 60 años de la Colección Nacional de Mamíferos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM. Aportaciones al Conocimiento y Conservación de los Mamíferos Mexicanos. Universidad Autónoma de México, México, D. F. (PDF)

González-Cózatl, F. X., D. S. Rogers and E. Arellano. 2009. Diversidad críptica en la Colección Nacional de Mamíferos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM. In 60 años de la Colección Nacional de Mamíferos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM. Aportaciones al Conocimiento y Conservación de los Mamíferos Mexicanos. Universidad Autónoma de México, México, D. F. (PDF)

Bradley, R. D., N. D. Durish, D. S. Rogers, J. R. Miller, M. D. Engstrom, and C. W. Kilpatrick. 2007. Toward a molecular phylogeny for Peromyscus: evidence from mitochondrial cytochrome-b sequences. Journal of Mammalogy 88:1146-1159. (PDF)

Hafner, J. C., J. E. Light, D. J. Hafner, M. S. Hafner, E. Reddington, D. S. Rogers, and B. R. Riddle. 2007. Basal clades and molecular systematics of heteromyidrodents. Journal of Mammalogy 88:129-145. (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., C. C. Funk, J. E. Miller, and M. D. Engstrom. 2007. Molecular phylogenetic relationships among Crested-tailed mice (genus Habromys). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 14:37-55. (PDF)

I. Urbina-Sánchez, I., A. Aguilar-S., E. Arellano, F. X. González-Cozátl, and D. S. Rogers. 2006. Karyotypes of three species of Reithrodontomys (Rodentia: Muridae) Southwestern Naturalist 51:568-572. (PDF)

Anderson, R. P., M. Weksler, and D. S. Rogers. 2006. Evolutionary relationships Among spiny pocket mice (Heteromyidae: Heteromyinae) based on phylogenetic analysis of genetic and morphological data. Journal of Mammalogy, 87:1218-1233. (PDF)

Arellano, E., D. S. Rogers, Y F. X. Gonzaléz-Cózatl. 2006. Sistemática molecular del género Reithrodontomys (Rodentia: Muridae). Pp. 27-35 in Genética y mamiferos mexicanos: presente y futuro (E. Vázquez-Dominguez y D. J. Hafner, eds.). New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, No. 32:27-36. (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., M. C. Belk, M. W. González, and B. L. Coleman. 2006. Patterns of habitat use by bats along the Provo River, Utah. Southwestern Naturalist, 51:52-58. (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., M. D. Engstrom, and E. Arellano. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships among Peromyscine rodents: Allozyme evidence. Pp. 427-440, in Contribuciones Mastozoológicas en Homenaje a Bernardo Villa (V. Sánchez-Cordero and R. A. Medellín, eds.). Instituto de Biología e Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, México. Patton, J. L., and D. S. Rogers. 1993. Biochemical Genetics. pp. 259-269, in (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., and V. L. Vance. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships among spiny pocket mice (Liomys: Family Heteromyidae): Analysis of cytochrome b based on multiple heuristic approaches. Journal of Mammalogy, 86:1085-1094. (PDF)

Arellano, E., F. X. González-Cozatl, and D. S. Rogers. 2005. Molecular systematics of Middle American harvest mice Reithrodontomys (Muridae), estimated from mitochondrial Cytochrome b gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 37:529-540. (PDF)

Carroll, D. S., J. N. Mills, J. M. Montgomery, D. G. Bausch, P. J. Blair, J. P. Burans, V. Felices, A. Gianella, N. Iihoshi, S. T. Nichol, J. G. Olson, D. S. Rogers, M. Salazar, and T. G. Ksiazek. 2005. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in central Bolivia: relationships between reservoir hosts, habitats, and viral genotypes. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 72:54-58. (PDF)

Shurtliff, Q. R., D. Pearse, and D. S. Rogers. 2005. Parentage analysis of the Canyon mouse (Peromyscus crinitus): evidence for multiple paternity. Journal of Mammalogy, 86:531-540. (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., M. D. Engstrom, and E. Arellano. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships among peromyscine rodents: Allozyme evidence. Pp. 427-400 in, Contribuciones Mastozoológicas en Homenaje a Bernardo Villa (V. Sánchez-Cordero y R. A. Medelín, eds.). Instituto de Biología e Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, México. (PDF not available)

Arellano, E., D. S. Rogers, and F. A. Cervantes. 2003. Genic differentiation and phylogenetic relationships among tropical harvest mice (Subgenus Aporodon). Journal of Mammalogy, 84:129-143. (PDF)

Flinders, J. T., D. S. Rogers, J. L. Webber-Alston, and H. A. Barber. Mammals of the Escalante Grand Staircase National Monument. 2002. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, 1:1-64. (PDF)

Rogers, D. S., D. J. Shurtleff, and C. L. Pritchett. 2000. Records of mammals from theeast Tavaputs Plateau, Utah. Western North American Naturalist, 60:221-224. (PDF)

Sullivan, J., E. Arellano, and D. S. Rogers. 2000. Comparative phylogeography of Mesoamerican highland rodents: Concerted versus independent response to past climatic fluctuations. American Naturalist, 155:755-768. (PDF)

Sherwin, R. E., D. Stricklan, and D. S. Rogers. 2000. Roosting affinities of Townsend’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) in northern Utah. Journal of Mammalogy, 81:939-947. (PDF not available)

Harris, D., D. S. Rogers, and J. Sullivan. 2000. Phylogeography of Peromyscus furvus (Rodentia:Muridae) based on Cytochrome b sequence data. Molecular Ecology, 9:2129-2135. (PDF)