Dr. Duke S. Rogers

My research involves the systematics and natural history of small mammals using (primarily) molecular approaches. I really like combining field and laboratory studies to test hypotheses and solve problems. My research results typically have taxonomic, phylogeographic, population genetic and/or conservation biology implications. I have BS and MS degrees from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University. I did my PhD in the Department of Zoology and Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, U.C. Berkeley, with Jim Patton as my mentor. I have been collaborating with Rob Anderson (City College of New York) on projects dealing with the same group that I examined as part of my dissertation: spiny pocket mice, genus Heteromys. My long-term collaborators in Mexico and Canada are Elizabeth Arellano and Francisco Gonzalez-Cozatl (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos) and Mark Engstrom (Royal Ontario Museum). A shift in my research focus involves interactions between hantaviruses, arenaviruses, and their rodent hosts. My principal collaborators in these endeavors include Daniel Bausch and Lina Moses (Tulane University), Robert Bradley (Texas Tech University), Darin Carroll (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Charles Fulhorst (University of Texas Medical Branch), and Nicole Lewis-Rogers (University of Utah).