Presentations at National Meetings
Entomological Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. November 14, 2004. |
Svenson, G., and M. F. Whiting. The phylogeny of Mantodea: preying without repentance. |
Odgen, T. H. and M. F. Whiting. Mayflies, molecules, and morphology: A comprehensive analysis of the phylogeny and evolution of Ephemeroptera. |
Osborne, J., T. H. Ogden, L. Jacobus, P. McCafferty, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Ephemerellidae (Ephemeroptera); Combined approach based on morphological and molecular data. |
Jarvis, K. and M. F. Whiting. Grylloblattid phylogenetic and population structure: The original ice capades. |
Bybee, S., T. H. Ogden, A. Rehn, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Odonata: Molecular and morphological evidence. |
Robertson, J., S. Bradler, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Phasmida: Basal diversification, wing recurrence, and evolution of egg laying and dispersal strategies. |
Jones, J. and M. F. Whiting. A phylogeny of the scorpionfly family Panorpidae (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). |
Garza, C., T. Killian, S. Weller, M. DeCosta, and M. Whiting. Sound, sex, and security: Testing for adaptive shifts in tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). |
Trowbridge, R., K. Dittmar de la Cruz, and M. F. Whiting. Crusin’ in the bat-mobile: Co-evolution of S. symbiont Arsenophonus spp. in batflies (Diptera: Streblidae). |
Weller, S., M. DaCosta, R. Simmons, J. Zaspel, P. Larson, M. Whiting, and C. Garza. Evolution of courtship and defense behaviors in tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) based on morphology and molecules. |
Dittmar De La Cruz, K., M. Porter, S. Murray and M. Whiting. Phylogenetic inferences on the parasitic batflies. |
Cameron, S. and M. Whiting. Mitochondrial genomics and insect phylogeny: The good, the bad, and the ugly. |
K. Miller and Q. Wheeler. Asymmetrical male mandibular horns and mating behavior in Agathidium (Coleoptera: Leiodidae). |
Svenson, G and M. Whiting. East of Eden. |
Invited lecturer, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India. November, 2004. |
Svenson, G. and M. F. Whiting. Application and Utility of Phylogenetics to Biological Systems: long-wavelength opsin in Mantodea. |
Guest Lecture, University of Melbourne, (Victoria, Australia), November, 2004. |
Cameron, S.L. and M. F. Whiting. How insects are changing assumptions about mitochondrial genetics and genomics. |
Symposium for Phylogenetic Research, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India. September 29, 2004 |
Svenson, G. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Mantodea. (Invited Speaker) |
Cameron, S.L. and M. F. Whiting. Insect mitochondrial genomics: Technical Limitations and Evolutionary Implications. |
Miller, K. B., J. Bergsten and M. F. Whiting. Antagonistic Sexual Selection and the Phylogeny of Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). |
Symposia of the XXII International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, August 2004. |
Cameron, S.L., S. Barker, and M. F. Whiting, Phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial genomes in resolving insect interordinal relationships. The Phylogeny of the Insects – What can entire Mitochondrial Genome Sequence Tell Us? |
Whiting, M.F., M.. Terry, M., T. H. Ogden, G. Svenson, K. Jarvis, S. Bybee, and S. L. Cameron. Molecular evidence on phylogenetic relationships among major lineages of Pterygota. The Phylogenetic Relationships Among and Within “Basal Pterygote” Orders. |
Bradler, S., M. F. Whiting, and J.A. Robertson. 2004. Phylogeny and the Evolution of Wings in Extant Phasmatodea. (Oral Presentation). |
8th Joint Meeting of Signal Transduction Society, Weimar, Germany. November 2004. |
Dittmar, K. Identification of a PKR-like eIF2 alpha kinase from zebrafish containing Z-DNA binding domains. |
Invited lecture, FIOCRUZ Manaus, Brazil, August 2004. |
Dittmar, K. Evolutionary thought and its influence on modern society. |
Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera Joint Meetings. Flathead Lake Biological Station, University of Montana, August, 2004. |
Ogden, H. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Ephemeroptera: Molecular Evidence. |
Terry, M. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Plecoptera: Molecular Evidence. |
Osborne, J., H. Ogden, and M. F. Whiting. Preliminary phylogeny of Ephemerellidae: Combined approach based on morphological and molecular data. |
Annual Convention of the National Speleological Society, Michigan, USA. July, 2004. |
Dittmar, K and M. F. Whiting. Bats and their ectoparasites: A first molecular phylogeny of batflies (Diptera). |
Meeting of the Society of Protozoologists, Smithfield, Rhode Island, June, 2004. |
Cameron, S.L. and P. J. O’Donoghue. On Micromastigotes and the evolution of the hypermastigont condition in the Parabasalida. |
Evolution 2004, Fort Collins, CO. June, 2004. |
Cameron, S.L. and M. F. Whiting. Insect ordinal relationships inferred by mitochondrial genomics. |
Svenson, G. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Mantodea: evolutionary trends in mantids |
Ogden, H. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny and Evolution of Mayflies (Ephemeroptera). |
Dragonfly Society of America, July 2004 |
Bybee, S., H. Ogden, A. Rehn, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Odonata: molecular evidence. |
University of Florida, Dept of Entomology invited speaker. May, 2004 |
Bybee, S., H. Ogden, A. Rehn, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Odonata: molecular evidence. |
Invited speaker, New York State Museum, February 12, 2004 |
Whiting, M. F. Harvesting the Tree of Life. |
Hawaii International Conference on Computer Science, January 2004 |
Whiting, D. G., Q. Snell, R. Nichols, M. Porter, K. Tew, K. Crandall, M. Whiting, and M. Clement. Complex Performance Analysis Through Statistical Experimental Design: An Evaluation of Parameters Associated with Speed in Parallel Phylogenomics. |
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, December 3 – 7, 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. |
Dittmar, K., Whiting,M. F., Hastriter, M. Phylogeny of the Siphonaptera. |
Entomological Society of America, Oct. 27, 2003. Cincinnati, Ohio |
Taylor, S. D., K. Dittmar-De La Cruz, M.F. Whiting. Can a Flea See? An Investigation of Flea Opsin (Flopsin). |
Bybee, S.M., T. H, Ogden, M. F. Whiting. Odonate Phylogeny: a preliminary molecular estimate. |
Jarvis, K. J. and M. F. Whiting. Cold, Cold Heart: Dispersal and Evolution of North American Ice Crawlers (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblatta). |
Svenson, G.J. and M.F. Whiting. The phylogeny of Mantodea based on molecular evidence: evolution of a charismatic predator. |
Ogden, T. H. and M. F. Whiting. 2003. Evolution of the delicate ones: Phylogeny of Ephemeroptera based on molecular evidence. |
Sullivan, J., Cameron, S.L., Whiting, M.F. Coleoptera – the beetle mitochondrial genome and evolution. |
Phylogenomics symposia of the Entomological Society of America, Oct. 25, 2003. Cincinnati, Ohio |
Whiting, M.F., Cameron, S.L. & Miller, K.B. Supercomputing, mitochondrial genomics, and dense taxon sampling in insects: Deep Six 2003. |
Milbenkundliches Kolloquium, September 26 – 29, 2003. Greifswald, Germany. |
Dittmar, K., Morando, M., Avila, L. Pterygosomatidae von Liolaemus spp. aus Argentinien. |
The Phylogenetic Relationships within the Insect Orders, September 19 – 21, 2003, Dresden, Germany |
Dittmar, K., Whiting, M. F., Whiting, A., Hastriter, M. Fleas on Trees: A phylogeny for Siphonaptera based on molecular evidence. |
Jarvis, K. J. and M. F. Whiting. New Insights in Grylloblattid Phylogeny. |
Svenson, G.J. and M.F. Whiting. The phylogeny of Mantodea based on molecular evidence: evolution of a charismatic predator. |
Ogden, T. H. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Ephemeroptera: Molecular Evidence. |
Terry, M. D. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Plecoptera: Molecular and morphological evidence. |
National Science Foundation Biocomplexity in the Environment Awardees Meeting, September 2003. Arlington, Virginia. |
Whiting, M.F., Crandall, K.A, Snell, Q.O., Clement, M.J. Whiting, D.G., Cameron, S.L. & Miller, K.B. Deep 6: Resolving Insect Ordinal Relationships. |
XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia, August 26 – 29, 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
Dittmar, K., Whiting, M. F. Delimiting species boundaries in the Pulex irritans/ simulans complex (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). |
Dittmar, K., Whiting, M. F., Reinhard, K., Jansen, A., Araujo, A. Trypanosoma cruzi in Prehistoric Texas: A phylogeographic study. |
International Willi Hennig Society, July 22, 2003. New York, New York. |
Taylor, S. D., S. M. Bybee, C. R. Nelson, M. F. Whiting. A Phylogeny of Robber Flies (Diptera: Asilidae): Molecular Evidence. |
Bybee, S.M., T. H, Ogden, M. F. Whiting. Odonate Phylogeny: a preliminary molecular estimate. |
Cameron, S.L., Whiting, M.F. & Barker, S.C. Diversity and evolution of the insect mitochondrial genome. |
Jarvis, K. J., F. Haas, and M. F. Whiting. The Phylogeny of Dermaptera: Molecular Evidence. |
Svenson, G.J. and M.F. Whiting. The phylogeny of Mantodea based on molecular evidence: evolution of a charismatic predator. |
Ogden, T. H. and M. F. Whiting. 2003. The problem with the Paleoptera problem: sense and sensitivity. |
Evolution 2003, June 2003. Chico, California |
Cameron, S.L., Whiting, M.F. & Barker, S.C. Mitochondrial genome evolution in insects. |
Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association of America, April 22 – 23, 2003. Tempe, Arizona. |
Dittmar, K., Whiting, M. F., Reinhard, K. Jansen, A., Araujo, A. Molecular Diagnosis of Prehistoric Trypanosoma cruzi in the Texas-Coahuila border region. |
Entomological Society of America, Nov. 14, 2002. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida |
Robertson, J.A., J.V. McHugh, M. F. Whiting. From polka dots to zigzags: Color patterning and the Phylogeny of Erotylidae. |
Taylor, S.D., S. Bybee, C. R. Nelson, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Robber Flies (Diptera: Asilidae): Preliminary Molecular Analysis. |
Jones, J.J. and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Panorpidae: Molecular Evidence. |
Entomological Society of America, Dec. 10, 2001. San Diego, California |
Terry, M., M. Gruwell, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of the Polyneoptera: Molecular and Morphological Evidence. |
Robertson, J., J. V. McHugh, and M. F. Whiting. The phylogeny of the Erotylidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea: Erotylidae) based on molecular data. |
Jarvis, K., F. Haas, and M. F. Whiting. Phylogeny of Dermaptera: Preliminary molecular evidence. |
Cherry, J.J., D. McClellan, and M. F. Whiting. Effects of selection on the molecular evolution of the cyt-b gene in Hawaiian Platynini beetles. |
Entomological Society of America. Dec. 4, 2000. Montreal, Canada |
M. Gruwell, M. D. Terry, and M. F. Whiting. Molecular phylogeny of the Polyneopterous insect orders. |
J. Robertson, J. McHugh, and M. F. Whiting. A preliminary molecular phylogenetic analysis for the Erotylidae. |
International Hennig Society Meetings XX, Aug. 26, 2001. Corvallis, Oregon |
Robertson, J., C. DeHaesse, and M. F. Whiting. A molecular phylogeny for Collembola. |