BYU encourages all students to participate in at least one experiental-learning opportunities, such as research, during their undergraduate education. Few experiences, if any, will help you solidify what you are learning in the classroom. These experiences can also help you get into graduate school, professional school, or an industry job. Even if you don’t plan on a career in science, research teaches valuable skills.
It is a privilege for me to work with BYU students on research projects. When students come into my lab, my main goals are that they 1) do high-quality research, 2) learn to think as a scientist, and 3) produce tangible outputs. Such tangible outputs might include academic journal articles, conference presentations, conference posters, open-source software, etc.
My research falls under the category of "dry lab biology," meaning that all work is done on computers. (However, I sometimes collaborate with other researchers who run "wet" labs.) This means that you will need to hone your computational/analytical skills to be successful. I typically require that students take BIO 165 and BIO 264 before joining my lab. Other helpful classes include BIO 130, CS 111, CS 240, & BIO 364. However, if you have not completed these courses, I'd be happy to talk to you.
Typically, about a month before a semester or term begins, I evaluate whether to bring new students into the group. I hope to find students who are passionate about making a difference in the world and who will work hard to do so. I typically ask students to work for research credits (BIO 494R) during their first semester in the lab. Then, depending on the student's performance and the availability of funds, I may be able to hire the student as a paid research assistant. However, I can sometimes make exceptions to this, so feel free to discuss it with me.
What I expect from students on research projects
I ask each student to follow specific policies, which I have listed below. I reserve the right to amend or add policies in the future.
Students must agree to work on their research project a specific number of hours per week (when school is in session). The student and I will determine the number of hours each semester, based on the student's course load, work/family obligations, etc. The minimum number of hours is 5 per week; however, I prefer 10+, if possible. Some projects require a larger time commitment than others. These time commitments ensure that the student will make sufficient progress on the project.
When working on a project, students typically must work in the Bioinformatics research lab, a room in the Life Sciences Building. (I can make exceptions in some cases.) The specific times are arranged between me and the student at the beginning of each semester. This reduces distractions for the student, enables collaborations between students, and helps me to interact with students on a regular basis.
Each student meets with me at a specific time each week to discuss research progress.
Students must participate in lab meetings. Students are asked to make short presentations at these meetings.
Students must document all computational logic in code and/or scripts. It is essential that people (including you and me) be able to "reproduce" your work. This means that if someone else were given the same data set, they would be able to use your code/scripts to produce the same output. As you do so, others will have more confidence in your work and will be able to build on it when you move to something else.
Source code and scripts should be stored in aGitrepository. Students should push their code to GitHub regularly.
When working on a research project, students should stay focused and eliminate distractions, including phones, email, social media, etc.
Students must respect each other’s time and space as well as BYU property.
Students who fail to adhere to these policies may be asked to leave the lab.
To express interest in joining the lab, please read the above policies andthis statementon authorship. If you agree to these policies and are interested in discussing research possibilities, please send email mewith the following information:
Your name.
Your major.
A 2-3 sentence description about you.
Your grade transcript (can be unofficial).
Your work history.
Which relevant courses you have taken and which you plan on taking soon.
A short essay (approximately 100-200 words) that describes what you hope to gain from being a researcher in the lab.
What post-graduation plans you are considering.
How many hours per week you can commit to doing research (this semester and/or next semester).
What research topics, if any, that you have a particular interest in pursuing.
The number of words per minute that you can type ( You must be able to type at least 40 words per minute. It might seem strange that this is a requirement, but typing is an essential skill for writing code and doing research.
I am looking talented and ambitious graduate students to join the Piccolo Lab at Brigham Young University (BYU). Candidates can apply either for themaster's or PhD program in the Department of Biology. Graduate students typically receive a living stipend, partial health insurance benefit, and tuition waiver. Additional scholarships may also be available.
Research overview: Research in the Piccolo Lab is highly interdisciplinary. Generally speaking, we apply computational and quantitative techniques to biomedical data. We study human diseases, especially cancer and Down syndrome. We develop computational tools and techniques for analyzing molecular data and making publicly available data more FAIR. We perform education-based research in the context of bioinformatics. At this time, I am particularly interested in finding graduate student(s) who want to pursue research on data curation or bioinformatics education.
Skills you will learn: Students in the Piccolo Lab typically gain experience with experimental design, statistical analysis, data processing, data visualization, data curation, andmachine-learningmethods. We place an emphasis onreproducibilityandopennessin science. I meet with students at least weekly and work hard to provide a supportive, mentoring environment.
Qualifications: Students with a background in biology, mathematics, computer science, information technology, statistics, and/or health sciences are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have taken at least one programming course from an accredited university. Information about graduate school deadlines can be found (here).
Environment: BYU is located inProvo, Utah, nestled against the beautifulWasatchmountain range. Canyons and ski resorts can be accessed within 15-60 minutes. Variousnational parksare within driving distance. BYU is sponsored byThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Students need not be members of the church; however, each student must commit to abide by the university'sHonor Code. Pleaseemail mewith any questions about what this entails.
Pleaseemail me to express interest before applying. Provide the following information:
Your name.
Your education history.
Your employment history (if any).
Whether you are interested in applying for a master's or PhD position.
Your general research interests and why you are interested in applying (1-2 paragraphs).
A description of any experience you have had with data analysis, software development, biomedical research, etc.
Your academic transcripts (unofficial transcripts are okay for now).