To get started as a student in the lab, please do the following (if you haven't already):
Send me your BYU ID. I will use that to give you to access the bioinformatics lab (4134 LSB).
Go to the CITI training pageand complete the "Social & Behavioral Research Investigators." The purpose of these trainings is to help you understand implications for doing research with humans or with data that have been collected from humans. Some of the material will be applicable to your research, while other material will seem less applicable. But it is important to learn these concepts to make sure we are doing research responsibly. The training takes a few hours to complete. Please complete the required quizzes. When you are done, please send me your certificates of completion.
Decide on a strategy for automatically backing up all code files and documents that you create during the research process.DropboxandGoogle Driveoffer solutions for automatically synchronizing files to the cloud. Install the software for one of these solutions and make sure it backs up your files automatically. Create a folder where you will store all your research files. Let me know which of these solutions you have set up. (In some cases, we will use GitHub.)
Learn how to use thevimtext editor. This editor has shortcuts that will increase your productivity, and it can be used on any Unix-based server, including the BYU Supercomputer.Hereis a helpful tutorial.
If you are willing, email me a photo of yourself (JPG format) as well as a brief paragraph about yourself for thePeoplepage.
Lastly, send me an email that indicates when you have completed all of these tasks.