Get Connected Through Bioinformatics Research
The Bioinformatics Research Group (BRG) is a student-run organization that helps connect BYU students to current bioinformatics research, as it's happening, both on and off-campus. Students, faculty, and visitors of all majors and fields are welcome to participate in monthly group meetings. At these meetings, students and faculty present research. We also discuss recent publications in fields relating to bioinformatics.
Take a moment to join our google group
For any additional information, or if you're interested in being a part of the BRG committee for 2016 - 2017 email the group president at
Join the Bioinformatics Club
Register on BYU Organization Management System
Go to
In the search bar at the top of the page type “Bioinformatics Research Group” and click Search
In the search results click on “Bioinformatics Research Group”
Underneath the title of the club click the yellow tab titled “Join Organization:
Sign in with your NetID and password
A page with a drop down box labeled “Position in Organization”, select the role of “Member” and click “Submit Request”