Citations of our work found here *Indicates undergraduate coauthor; **Indicates graduate coauthor; #Indicates high school coauthor
*Stancil CK, *Smith N, *Fletcher LS, *Anderson L (In press) Metabolic rates of different demographics in the sand fiddler crab Leptuca pugilator. PLOS one
Knotts ER, Griffen BD (2016) Individual movement rates are sufficient to determine and maintain dynamic spatial positioning within Uca pugilator herds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70:639-646
Griffen BD (2016) Scaling impacts of interactions between invaders from the individual to the population level. Ecology and Evolution
**Belgrad BA, Griffen BD (2016) The influence of dietary shifts on the fitness of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. PLOS One11(1):e0145481
Griffen BD, **Belgrad BA, **Cannizzo ZJ, **Knotts ER, *Hancock E (2016) Rethinking our approach to multiple stressor studies in marine environments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 543:273-281
Blakeslee AMH, Keogh CL, Fowler AE, Griffen BD (2015) Trematode infection does little to hinder invasive green crabs in eastern North America. PLOS One
Griffen BD, **Riley ME (2015) Potential impacts of invasive crabs on one life history strategy of native rock crabs in the Gulf of Maine Biological Invasions 17:2533-2544
Griffen BD, *Norelli AP (2015) Spatially variable habitat quality contributes to within-population variation in reproductive success Ecology and Evolution 5:1474-1483
Griffen BD, *Vogel M, *Goulding L, *Hartman R (2015) Energetic effects of diet choice by invasive Asian shore crabs: implications for persistence when prey are scarce Marine Ecology Progress Series 522:181-192
**Belgrad BA, Griffen BD (2015) Rhizocephalan infection modifies host food consumption by reducing host activity levels Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 466:70-75
**Riley ME, **Johnston CA, Feller IC, Griffen BD (2014) Range expansion of Aratus pisonii (mangrove tree crab) into novel vegetative habitats. Southeastern Natrualist 13:N43-N48
**Hogan JM, Griffen BD (2014) The dietary and reproductive consequences of fishery-related claw removal for the stone crab Menippe spp. Journal of Shellfish Research 33:795-804
**Toscano BJ, Griffen BD (2014) Trait-mediated functional responses: predator behavioural type mediates prey consumption.Journal of Animal Ecology 83:1469-1477 Editorial highlight of paper by Kalinkat. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:1245-1247
**Toscano BJ, *Gato J, Griffen BD (2014) Effects of predation threat on repeatability of individual crab behavior revealed by mark recapture. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:519-527
**Riley ME, *Vogel M, Griffen BD (2014) Fitness-associated consequences of an omnivorous diet for the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii. Aquatic Biology 20:35-43
Griffen BD (2014) Linking individual diet variation and fecundity in an omnivorous marine consumer. Oecologia 174:121-130
Drake JM, Griffen BD (2013) Experimental demonstration of accelerated extinction in source-sink metapopulations. Ecology and Evolution 3:3369-3378
**Toscano BJ, Griffen BD (2013) Predator size interacts with habitat structure to determine the allometric scaling of the functional response. Oikos 122:454-462
Griffen BD, **Toscano B, *Gatto J (2012) The role of intraspecific trait variation in mediating indirect interactions. Ecology 93:1935-1943
**Decker RA, Griffen BD (2012) Correlating context-specific boldness and physiological condition of female sand fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator). Journal of Ethology
Griffen BD, Altman I, *Bess BM, *Hurley J, **Penfield A (2012) The role of foraging in the success of invasive species. Biological Invasions 14:2545-2558
**Toscano BJ, Griffen BD (2012) Predatory crab size diversity and bivalve consumption in oyster reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 445:65-74
*Repetto M, Griffen BD (2012) Physiological consequences of parasite infection in the burrowing mud shrimp Upogebia pugettensis, a widespread ecosystem engineer. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:60-67
Griffen BD, Altman I, *Hurley J, *Mosblack H (2011) Reduced fecundity by one invader in the presence of another: a potential mechanism leading to species replacement. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 406:6-13
Delaney DG, Griffen BD, Leung B (2011) Injury as a moderator of impacts of invasive species. Biological Invasions 13:2935-2945
Drake JM, *Shapiro J, Griffen BD (2011) Experimental demonstration of a two-phase population extinction hazard. Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface
Griffen BD, *Mosblack H (2011) Predicting diet and consumption rate differences between and within species using gut ecomorphology. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 854-863
Griffen BD (2011) Ecological impacts of replacing one invasive species with another in rocky intertidal areas. In: In the Wrong Place: Alien Marine Crustaceans - Distribution, Biology and Impacts. (eds.) Galil B, Clark P., Springer., p. 687-701
Griffen BD, Spooner D, Spivak A, Kramer A, Santoro A, Kelly N (2010) Moving species redundancy towards a more predictive framework. Limnology and Oceanography Methods, Eco-DAS VIII 3:30-46
Drake JM, Griffen BD (2010) Early warning signals of extinction in deteriorating environments. Nature 467:456-459. Editorial highlight of paper by Scheffer. Nature 467:411-412
Griffen BD (2009) Consumers that are not 'ideal' or 'free' can still approach the ideal free distribution using realistic patch-leaving rules. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:919-927
Griffen BD, Byers JE (2009) Community impacts of two invasive crabs: the roles of density, prey recruitment, and indirect effects. Biological Invasions 11:927-940
Griffen BD (2009) Effects of a newly invasive parasite on the burrowing mud shrimp, a widespread ecosystem engineer. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361:73-83
Griffen BD, Drake JM (2009) Environment, but not migration, influences extinction risk in experimental metapopulations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 276:4363-4371. Featured in Nature 461:573 (1 October 2009)
Drake JM, Griffen BD (2009) The speed of expansion and extinction in experimental populations. Ecology Letters 12:772-778
Griffen BD, Drake JM (2009) Scaling rules for the final approach to extinction. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B276:1361-1367
Griffen BD, *Williamson, T (2008) Influence of predator density on nonindependent effects of multiple predator species. Oecologia 155:151-159
Griffen BD, *Guy T, *Julia Buck (2008) Inhibition between invasives: a newly introduced predator moderates the impacts of a previously established invasive predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:32-40 (Featured in Science at:
Griffen BD, Drake JM (2008) Review of extinction in experimental populations. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:1274-1287 (Editor's note highlighting paper. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:1273)
Griffen BD, Drake JM (2008) Effects of habitat quality and size on extinction in experimental populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275:2251-2256
Griffen BD, Delaney DG (2007) Species invasion shifts the importance of predator dependence. Ecology 88:3012-3021
Griffen BD, Byers JE (2006) Partitioning mechanisms of predator interference in different habitats. Oecologia 146:608-614
Griffen BD, Byers JE (2006) Intraguild predation reduces redundancy of predator species in multiple predator assemblage. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:959-966
Griffen BD, DeWitt TH, Langdon C (2004) Particle removal rates by the mud shrimp Upogebia pugettensis, its burrow, and a commensal clam: effects on estuarine phytoplankton abundance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 269:223-236
DeWitt, T.H., A.F. D'Andrea, C.A. Brown, B.D. Griffen, and P.M. Eldridge. 2004. Impact of burrowing shrimp populations on nitrogen cycling and water quality in western North American temperate estuaries. pp. 107-118, In: A. Tamaki (ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Ecology of Large Bioturbators in Tidal Flats and Shallow Sublittoral Sediments - from Individual Behavior to Their Role as Ecosystem Engineers. University of Nagasaki, Japan